Shining with Jesus
“Let your light shine before others” Matthew 5:16
All Saints CE First School is a Church of England school within the Lichfield Diocese and holds strong links with the Parish Church, All Saints First School come together as a Family in church at different times of the year. All Saints is frequently visited by Steph Goodwin, All Saint’s Church’s Lay Reader and Church Warden and Jordan Lambert, the Uttoxeter Christian School’ Worker who both lead regular whole school worship and offer spiritual and pastoral support for all members of the school community. The Open the Book team also visit fortnightly and lead Worship through their enactment of Bible Stories.
Our Church community support our schools in a number of ways, including leading collective worship, supporting the teaching of RE, organising and running Workshops for all the Uttoxeter Learning Trust’s School Worship teams as well as representatives holding the roles of Foundation Governors on our Local Governing Body.
We work in close partnership with the Lichfield Diocesan Board of Education in continually improving and growing as Church Schools.
Belonging To Our Church Community
All Saints Church Church Leigh

At All Saints’ CE First School we regularly visit All Saints Church, Church Leigh which is positioned around the corner from the school. We hold many celebrations throughout the year in church such as our Nativity and Christmas Carol Concert, Christingle service, Harvest, Mothering Sunday service, Easter service as well as our special Leaver’s Service at the end of each academic year. We also use the Church when teaching elements of Christianity in RE, for instance about Baptism and Holy buildings.